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hannah wyborn

Meet Hannah

Hello! I’m Hannah Wyborn and I’m a weight loss coach and naturopathic wellness practitioner specialising in sustainable weight loss. I help women change their eating and lifestyle habits and develop a more positive relationship with food and their bodies, even if they have both been the enemy for years, which results in shedding unwanted weight, improving their energy and feeling great again

It is my mission to help women overcome unhelpful eating behaviours and at ease in their relationship with food and their weight by giving them the tools and framework to lose weight in a healthy way, without feeling overwhelmed, bored or depleted. It is possible to be a healthy weight without depriving yourself of all your favourite things!

If you’re after a different, more holistic alternative to quick-fix approaches and fad dieting and want help with healing your relationship with food and your weight, whilst better managing stress and improving your overall health and sense of wellbeing, I invite you to book a free call with me to discuss how to best to move forward.

 What’s Saffron + Seed?


Fifteen years ago I was working as a journalist/editor, spending the bulk of my time at a desk, with the constant stress of deadlines and battling with my weight, bad acne, migraines, low energy and mood and often off sick with one illness or another. I was busy with work and the usual activities of seeing family and friends, going to the gym, hobbies and doing up a house. 

Even though my health was not in a particularly good place, it didn’t occur to me I had any control over it. I was eating the standard Western diet and taking various prescribed drugs, including several courses of antibiotics, as well as regular over the counter medications such as painkillers for different ailments.

It was only when I was referred to see a dermatologist for my skin (which was so bad I used to cry at the sight of my poor face in the mirror) and was told the only option available to me was the super harsh drug Roaccutane that I realised there had to be a better and more sustainable way.

In the following hunt for better skin, I was looking for drug alternatives and the wonderful world of nutrition, natural health and holistic therapies opened up to me. Several years later, I had the opportunity to take voluntary redundancy, which I’m so glad I did, as it enabled me to pursue my newfound passion for natural health and wellness. Since then, I’ve explored a range of strict, some might say extreme diets, including raw juicing, macrobiotic, vegan, sugar-free, gluten-free...

My own weight has fluctuated up and down for most of my adult life from skinny to overweight; it is now only in my 40s, after years of trying a whole host of different diets, that I have settled at my happy weight that makes me feel good and healthy while still allowing some of life’s indulgences.  I’m no longer addicted to sugar or crave carbs or binge eat when my mood is low. Let me teach you how to bring that into your own life. After studying nutrition and working for almost a decade as a healthy chef (combining a love of food and cooking with my nutrition knowledge), I now coach women on how to lose weight in a healthy way, without focussing on the scales or calories.

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What I believe

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use, when diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”

Ayurvedic proverb


My approach

I’m a firm believer that what you eat and drink should make you feel great in both body and mind. It should sustain and fuel your body and not deplete it.  Healthy food should, however, be enjoyable to eat, colourful and be packed with natural flavours (not chemical flavour-enhancing, brain additives) in order for healthy eating and the pursuit of a healthy life to be sustainable long-term.

My food philosophy is centred around organic, predominantly plant-based meals without any unnatural, unpronounceable ingredients and full of nutrient-dense foods that heal us from within and help us to thrive both mentally and physically. 

See my professional bio →

organic cooking, organic ingredients
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I know you want to feel better

Here’s how I can help you…


 What’s Health Coaching?

A Health Coach is trained to educate, empower, motivate, encourage and support clients to make positive changes to improve their health over a period of time and with accountability. Together, the health coach and client set realistic and valuable goals, establish why they are important, and come up with actions to achieve these goals over time. Using specialist coaching tools and techniques, we can pre-empt or overcome and break through any obstacles, problems and challenges that may arise.

We look at different areas of your life, including diet, exercise, sleep, self-care, stress levels, relationships, home environment and general wellness and how each area might be impacting your health and weight.

My Qualifications

2020-21 – CNM Health Coach Diploma - College of Naturopathic Medicine    

2020 –  Culinary Nutrition Expert Program –  Academy of Beauty Nutrition

2019 –  Rejuvenation Nutrition – Academy of Beauty Nutrition

2016-2017 –  Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification –  Precision Nutrition

2012-13 – Naturopathic Nutrition Diploma – School of Modern Naturopathy, London

2010-11 – Macrobiotic Health Coaching & Cooking – Chi & Co, Glasgow

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Want to make IF a way of life?

Intermittent Fasting is quite the buzzword right now. In this FREE ebook, you’ll learn about the pitfalls of fasting and how to overcome them so you can use fasting as a safe way to manage your weight and improve your wider health. If you’ve struggled to maintain intermittent fasting for long enough to see results, this guide Introduction to Fasting is for you!

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